Pregnancy-Related Issues
You do everything you can to take care of yourself and your baby when you’re pregnant. You eat right, get exercise, and rest, but when you experience a problem after normal doctors hours or something you feel is urgent, the best course of action is to visit an ER to get the quality treatment you need to make sure you and your baby are safe. Our compassionate team of experienced medical providers at iCare ER & Urgent Care is prepared to provide you with private exam rooms, a highly qualified nursing staff, and a 24/7 ER in Frisco or Fort Worth, TX.
Pregnancy Emergencies
Ectopic Pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg is implanted outside of the uterus. Usually, this occurs in the fallopian tubes and is caused by an infection or an inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Symptoms can often mimic those of a regular pregnancy but can differ with pain in the lower stomach or in one side of the stomach, shoulder pain, abnormal bleeding, bladder or bowel problems, lower back pain, increased pulse, or falling blood pressure.
A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy within the first 20 weeks after conception. Often, the cause is unknown, but a miscarriage usually occurs when the egg does not develop normally in the uterus. Common symptoms include bleeding from the vagina combined with pain, tissue expelled from the vagina, and pain in the stomach, lower back, or pelvic area.
Seeking Medical Care
If you recognize the symptoms listed above, it is necessary that you seek medical care as soon as possible. For both ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages, if you experience a loss of consciousness, severe vaginal bleeding, sudden abdominal or pelvic pain, or feel dizzy, lightheaded, or faint, it is imperative that you be seen as soon as possible.
Ectopic pregnancies should be treated at once, using either medicine or surgery, in order to avoid any rupturing or severe blood loss. Miscarriages should be monitored as they occur, or checked out immediately afterward since any tissue that does not pass can cause an infection, scarring within the uterus, and may affect later pregnancies or even cause future infertility.
What to Expect
In our 24/7 ER in both Frisco and Fort Worth, our qualified physicians will begin your visit with a medical history interview and a physical exam to determine the severity of your symptoms. Afterward, further testing including blood tests, ultrasound and a pelvic exam may be conducted to determine a course of action. Our board-certified medical team will work to ensure your comfort and safety during the process. In the event that a patient requires hospitalization or other procedures that we do not offer at iCare, we are able to transfer them to a hospital for admission.